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Volume 217, Issue 3 p. 897-903
Free Access

Isolation, structural characterization and biological function of a lysine-conopressin in the central nervous system of the Pharyngobdellid leech Erpobdella octoculata


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Laboratoire de Phylogénie moléculaire des Annélides, ERS 20 CNRS, Groupe de Neuroendocrinologie des Hirudinées, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France

Correspondence to M. Salzet, Laboratoire de Phylogénie moléculaire des Annélides, ERS 20 CNRS, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, F-59655 Villenuve d'Ascq Cedex, France
Fax:+33 2043 6849.Search for more papers by this author
Philippe BULET

Philippe BULET

Laboratoire de Biologie générale de l'Université Louis Pasteur, URA 1490 CNRS, Bases moléculaires et cellulaires de la réponse immunitaire des Insectes, Strasbourg, France

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Laboratoire de Chimie organique des substances naturelles, URA 31 CNRS, Strasbourg, France

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Laboratoire de Phylogénie moléculaire des Annélides, ERS 20 CNRS, Groupe de Neuroendocrinologie des Hirudinées, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France

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First published: November 1993
Citations: 69


Several neuropeptides are suspected to act on the control of hydric balance in leeches. One of these peptides, a peptide immunoreactive to an antibody against oxytocin, was previously characterized from the central nervous system of the leech Erpobdella octoculata [Salzet, M., Wattez, C., Verger-Bocquet, M., Beauvillain, J.-C. & Malecha, J. (1993) Brain Res. 601, 173–184].

This paper reports the isolation from the central nervous system of E. octoculata of another peptide of the oxytocin/vasopressin family; a lysine-vasopressin-like molecule. Its purification was performed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography combined with both dot immunobinding assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for lysine-vasopressin. The amino acid sequence was established by Edman degradation and confirmed by electrospray-mass-spectrometry measurement. The nonapeptide obtained corresponded to the lysine-conopressin previously isolated from the venom of the mollusc Conus geographus [Cruz, L. L., de Santos, V., Zafaralla, G. C., Ramilo, C. A., Zeikus, R., Gray, W. R. & Olivera, B. M. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 15821–15824]. In leeches, synthetic lysine-conopressin exerts a diuretic effect which can be compared to that of the arginine-vasopressin-like peptide isolated in the Insect Locusta migratoria [Proux, J., Miller, C. A., Li, J. P., Carney, R. L., Girardie, A., Delaage, M. & Schooley, D. A. (1987) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 149, 180–186].


  • DIA
  • dot immunobinding assay
  • RT
  • retention time